Distinguishing between mischievousness and ADHD in children

Written by Sharon Mary Simon, Trainee SLP

Weekends are one of the most awaited days of the week we all await eagerly . We all look forward to detoxing ourselves of all the stress and taking some time out for ourselves . Last weekend my colleague invited me over to her house to spend the weekend with her and her family. As I made my acquaintance with her family I met her 5 years old son , who was rather quite excited to receive me at his home . As I made myself comfortable, I noticed him throwing a fit over not getting more cookies even though he was given some cookies few minutes back . Later on in the evening as I  accompanied him and his mom to the park I observed the child rather getting impatient to wait for his turn and instead cut the line to reach swing or the slide which stirred an unrest among the other children. As we all went out for dinner in the night , the child had a difficult time to patiently remain seated as we waited for the food to be served . He kept getting up from his seat , knocked over the glass of water in fit , took out all the tissues from the tissue box and threw them around all these instances combined made me wonder if the child was simply misbehaved or if there was any underlying issue such as ADHD which needed attention .

ADHD is an acronym used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , it  is a chronic condition which affects the behavior exhibited by the child in day to day life. Misbehavior refers to intentional choice to misbehave made by the child to manipulate circumstance to have his way. Children with ADHD do not change their behavior , regardless of the environment they are placed in. 

Similar behavioral patterns such as stubbornness , defiance , aggressiveness , lying hostility etc can be observed in children who have ADHA and those who are simply mischievous  Therefore it is important to correctly identify children with ADHD from children who merely misbehave or manipulate situations in their favor. Children with ADHD have a difficult time following instructions directed to them , channeling their attention on a single activity , they get easily distracted by any new disturbance in their environment . They also struggle to understand the connection between their actions and the resulting consequences .

Many parents often fail to understand the persistent behavior exhibited by children with ADHD and are often mistaken for emotional or disciplinary problems . As result  the child is often labeled as ‘spoilt brat’ , ‘unmotivated’, ‘bad kid’ which is actually far from reality . All these labels further hampers the childs emotional , cognitive , social and over all development. It affects the childs self-esteem and they tend to withdraw and shut themselves and isolate from others . ADHD is brain disorder and the behavior exhibited is not done intentionally by the child .

Following the pandemic , there’s been a rise in the diagnosis of ADHD cases with many children showing behavioral changes such as increased social withdrawnness , clinginess , reduced focus and diminished social etiquettes . these symptoms can lead to misdiagnosis , making professional assessment crucial.

As parents , having a child with  autism can be challenging and exhausting . ADHD cannot be cured but it can be treated and managed efficiently with the help of counselling, therapy and management techniques, and children can grow up to lead a normal and healthy life  . Listed below are certain techniques that parents can practice with children at home .

  • Deal with patience : It is important to understand that children with ADHD act impulsively and make the same mistakes despite repeated corrections or disciplinary actions because of their inability to bridge the connection between their actions and the consequences . In such circumstances it is vital to deal with the child patiently and to adopt creative ways to help them understand about the consequences . For example the child breaks his cricket bat , this could mean losing his batting privileges or loss of this cricket bat which will not be replaced anytime soon.
  • Consistent time-table : A fixed schedule should be practiced everyday without changes so that the child gets used to the fixed timetable which helps reduces the chances of tantrums and outbursts .
  • Observe and Monitor : What the child reads and watches plays an important role in shaping his mindset. Therefore it is crucial to monitor and ensure that the child avoids violent or aggressive stories, cartoons or situations .
  • Right Diet : The food we eat plays an important role in keeping our emotions in check . Parents should ensure adequate intake of nutritional food and avoid unhealthy eating habits.
  • Attention retention : There are various fun activities that can help in training the child to retain his attention span for longer duration ( for eg: lacing board , arranging item or objects appropriately, coloring etc) . It is necessary to eliminate all distracting objects , situations from the childs environment that can cause the childs attention to deviate .
  • Clear communication : It is important that the child understands when it’s a clear NO . Parents should be clear and firm with the warning than letting with simply pass .
  • Promoting exercise and mindfulness : Meditation helps to clear away the clutter from our minds and helps us to relax. The child should be encouraged to exercise and meditate regularly .
  • Encourage the child to participate in social activities : Engaging with other children other children his age will help the child in character development . The more he engages in social activities the more he will learn about appropriate social behavior by engaging with other children his age . 
  • Follow up : Parents should consistently check with the child’s therapist and teachers  considering their feedback on the childs progress and identifying areas where more efforts are required .

Like every other child , children with ADHD also need extra care , understanding , patience , enthusiasm and correct guidance . With appropriate attention and support children with ADHD can overcome their challenges and thrive well just as their peers 

Contact us today at +91 8921287775 to learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can support your journey in specialized learning and therapy.

“This Blog is Written by Sharon Mary Simon, Trainee SLP, celebrates the successful completion of the Digital Practices Training Program – September 2023 batch by XceptionalLEARNING”